Thursday, November 17, 2005

what is worse than waking up at 6 in the morning when you sleep after midnight for the past 4 days? having to wake up to a pouring, cold and dark morning which started just before you woke up. i freaking want to go back to my blankie and snuggle back to sleep but.. seriously i don't know what kept me going still.

and now i'm damn grouchy. with wet wrinkled cold toes.

and darlie's tea care sucks. it almost made me farking puke as i was brushing my teeth. green tea is meant to be drunk. not to be put in shampoos and toothpaste. i was horrified that such a vile tasting thing is actually a toothpaste in which we put into our mouths.

it's sad, that you sometimes feel that you do not matter as much to the person, as much as the person matters to you.

and i'm farking pissed, whenever i feel taken for granted. just because i seemed nice, doesn't mean i have to take SHIT from anyone.

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