Sunday, September 21, 2008

The weekend is over! Yippee!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Stuck at home on a lovely day, doing my essay due midnight today.

Endure, okay!!!

Wang Wang all the way. Finished the whole packet within a day.

(A lame attempt to make my entry rhyme. Haha. The things that ‘Studies’ make me do and binge on.)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Saturday: Shopping for JX’s sister wedding present + Lollipops + 4D + Chinatown + Lanterns + Frog’s Legs Porridge + Central + Coffee & Toast

Sunday: Chat with an estranged cousin + Brunch with Mommy & Daddy + @ Jeric’s Salon with Mommy + Mohawk + Women in the House flurried around to get pretty for the Wedding + Mommy getting hot and flustered with too many choices of clothes + Virgin trial at stockings + The Wedding + Beautiful Bride + Rowdy guests + My golden heel gave way + Tip-toeing + Photos

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Parents in Retro

I don’t know what has come over me, but I have been rummaging through the old albums and reminiscing the times when it was all sunshine and laughter. Then only did I realize, acutely, how much Mommy and Daddy have aged. With that, it was a little heartrending and a little, well, sad...

Maybe because I thought that my parents are going to be there for me forever. They will be quietly in the background, but once you start crying for them, they come running to you with open arms... In my eyes, they will always be 'The Hand' whenever I fall down and need a lift. In my eyes, they never and didn't age.

But the photographs, albeit yellow-tinged and a little faded, pointed out sorely that they actually do. Their vibrant smiles and youthful looks have been taken place by squinty eyes, saggy skin and bleary looks...

OK, I just went up to Mommy and hugged her tight and told her that I love her. But she got all emo on me and started on her sob story and how all of us did her wrong which irritated the hell out of me. Don’t know why and how it turned out that way – but that is just the way my Mommy is. So much for ‘I love you’s.

Annoyed and cheesed off as I may be right now, I am aware that Mommy and Daddy are not perfect. I am less so, I admit. But if we all accept the ways each other are wired, we will get by. I don’t deny that my family has had many fiery flare-ups, and ongoing, there will still be – given Jo’s “Short-Fused-Dynamite” temper, Mommy’s “Round-the-Clock-Simmering-&-Ultimate-Meltdown” temper, and Daddy and my “Reach-My-Limit-&-You’ll-Get-It” tempers. But... what’s so important to have a feud stand in the way? If we do away with all the expectations we have of others, we probably will like the other party more. And sleep better. (Maybe that’s why Mommy isn’t sleeping so well. It’s definitely not the caffeine in bottled Pokka Green Tea.)

Really, why focus on negative points and turn a blind eye to positive ones?

Seeing how I have grown from that teeny toddler, and how my parents held onto me when I could not walk yet, made me feel really blessed. I was really grateful that they brought me up; it was a hell long process and robbed them of their youth. But as experimented just 15 minutes ago, my heartfelt gratitude was, kinda, jarring to the ears.

In any case, I LOVE YOU Mommy and Daddy!

Me and Ah-Ma. Barely could remember her but I looked really happy in her arms.

The weirdest things that your parents put you into - a jumper without a top inside. Mommy, if I am scarred by a paedophile then, it was your fault. :P

P.S.: OMG – look at those glasses. Aren’t those, like, from Topshop? Eeks, they look like they have lives of their own!