Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I wanta be a Guitar Heroine!

Anybody interested to form a rock band? Donate a couple of hundred bucks to me? (so that I can create havoc start practising?)

OK, I better get down to it.

I really love her blog. Too bad she updates not too frequently. And then I came across this entry of hers which reminded me that I am at home now for a very valid reason.

(>_<) –groan- Better. Get. Back. To. My. Essay. NOWWW.

Anyway, this blog is the very reason that made me want to pick up my pencil and draw again. And, maybe, learn how to photoshop. Who wants to pick it up with me?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh no, the day is almost gone.

I have 3 full days of break from work, but I’m hardly feeling great. Gotta study for the examination this Friday; gotta squeeze out an essay by Wednesday midnight using every atom’s energy in me.

Norbit’s perpetually hanging around me, looking pitiful and wanting his cornflakes. Jam’s songs. My bed, which suddenly has a beckoning hand and an evil smile. My irritating fringe which I am trying to grow out. Even the sunny weather out there. The itchy index finger which clicks on blogs and comics websites. ALL of which ganged up to be a big distraction to me.


Alright alright, ‘tis gonna be over soon. Real soon! And it will be... the weekend.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


You do know that you have to persevere in the course of things. But I guess everyone needs a little reminder now and then, and a little encouragement from the people who care.

It can be rather challenging to remember such fundamental principals that you tell yourself to live by, when you are too immersed with the nitty-gritty in life.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Mumpy M

Drats, I think I may have the mumps. I can't chew properly but I am salivating like I'm seeing a sour prune. The whole time.

Is 'Youth' a Fashion Category?

I was told by Ass last Saturday that I looked like I WAS TRYING to dress like a 18-year-old. “INSULT” was instantly stamped all over my kuku face.

“So... how does an 18-year-old dress HUH?” I asked very drily. And I was even nowhere near tights and leotards. A baggy shirt cinched at the hips with a belt and berms.

“Like you lo.” She replied matter-of-factly.

Ok, that didn’t help. I think she tried to make me feel better by saying that it’s a good thing later in the conversation. But... it’s a vast difference to:
1) look like you’re TRYING to dress younger than you look; and
2) look younger by the way you dress.

Ass further qualified her ‘fashion-age categorization’ by pointing out that younger teens will then dress in their long, tight, and maybe neon, tank tops with their micro shorts. I then protested, “Aunties also dressed the same way, what!!”

I guess I am really feeling old to feel this way, man. Then what should I be wearing to town on a Saturday night for my age?

We then started guessing the ages of some girls in town on a Saturday night after the conversation. Not as if we would ever know the answers, anyway.

We couldn’t tell. Girls now look rather mature for their ages. The faux lashes and thick makeup didn’t help in our guessing. When did I start using makeup? Some of these kids probably started out half my age! I saw a girl half my height and size with the bushiest faux lashes and heavily powdered face once and I wondered – won’t her parents say something if she’s a kid? But again, she’s probably just a small-sized female (working) Peter-Pan.

Probably have a better guess at the ages of the girls by observing the guys hanging out with them. But even so, boys work out and torture their pubescent bodies even before they are required for National Service.

Here I am, in my mid-20s, piling up on anti-aging creams and putting on anti-everything masks while those kids are trying to look older than they are. Isn’t it a big fat irony?

What the.....

Can anything get gayer than this...? I swear I thought they were guys.

Monday, November 10, 2008


comes from within. So, you win, Ass!

And there's me, succeeding in looking like a complete idiot - with the blurrest eyes.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Something was written in the History Books

It’s amazing how fixated the whole world was on USA’s president election. Since when was there a worldwide poll on the preference of the candidates? Or was there? There was no wonder anyway – it was the most controversial one in history. Look at the stock markets soar happily right after the election results were announced. Maybe not.

I have to say that I am pleased with the outcome though. Change, you say? Yeah, bring it on.

Neh!! You didn't make it!!! Aww, don't look so pissed.

Although I was a bit appalled with Obama’s fumbling in his campaign speeches. He sounded incoherent?

Sunday, November 02, 2008

It's your Birthday, Dear!

Happy 26th Birthday, baby!

Halloween is over

And I didn’t go to any Halloween parties, yet again. I have to go next year! If you have time to prepare your costume and be really creative and all, what would you go as?

Kudos to Heidi Klum though. The amount of effort put in! And she sure does look hideously scary? Although... I can’t imagine sweating blue paint and getting wasted with that many hands.