Friday, September 29, 2006

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Yes, that is my sister - someone whom I can totally hate to the core that I can tear and scream the whole house down, but yet, someone I can hold (somewhat) close to my heart. Afterall, we'd grown up together. And afterall, she can be quite nice, at times.
Don't grow too accustomed to her nice cutesy ways though. (Ya, she can look harmless in that picture - ruffled curls on the side of her head, thick bangs, toothy grin and a cocked-to-the-side head. Wait till she reincarnates to be your sister.)
She can mew piteously on her bed like an abandoned cat sometimes. (I do that too but less often, so it shouldn't be too eccentric.) And then, she'll ask me to "sayang" her. But can suddenly beat me. If she's a cat, she's a crazy one which hasn't got hooked up with any tabby cats after howling a few weeks into mating season.

And then, she'll suddenly turn around to be a cute kitty, purring under her breath, snuggling under her covers.
If you ask me? It's 2 cat spirits at work.
Things are looking up for the both of us - weirdly. I never thought that things could return to how things were used to be. But I remember. Her demonic ways.
But I'm no angel either.
But she greets me cheerfully now when I return home from work every night, which is something I have to get used to. Or maybe better not. If nasty her surfaces, at least I won't be too surprised.
One thing that touched me though - she bugged me for this picture when we first took it last Saturday. And when I finally sent it over, she popped it straight up as her MSN picture, with her nick's message as "With Sis at last". Something tugged at my chest when I saw that.
She's alright, actually - while she's mewing away; till she starts snarling.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My new 'do!

Eh heh heh. Back to my secondary school days. Kay & Ass, do I still look as young and innocent then? Hm???

Never mind if I don't.

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingBut anyways, I and JX went to Pulau Ubin over Sunday and Monday.

Taking a 20-25 minutes ferry ride, we entertained ourselves with the camera. And, we discovered JX has an innate ability - similar to Xiaxue's. The pictures speak for themselves -

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We mainly just cycled our way around the teeny island, feeding the mosquitos, while laughing breathlessly at ourselves as we shifted our butts left and right on the bike seats while we cycled up steep slopes.

Needless to say, our butts hurt.

And we definitely lacked the stamina compared to a year back. In no time, we were cycling towards the coconut stalls. Ahh. Cold quenching coconut drink - with silken soft translucent white meat. Darn, salivating as I typed this out.

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Yes, we are that greedy. Each of us had 4 - it was a trip on tight budget and we can only have coconuts on this island. Although we felt like puking at the end of it all.

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Ahh.. The fleshy white meat! So smooth that I can scoop it up in one swoop! Yum!

I don't really like swamps. They're murky and dark and scary. And Pulau Ubin has swamps everywhere. But, lo and behold - a quarry. A man-made feature, but something that I can imagine some Chinese Wushu heros flying around and bouncing off the walls. Oh ya, it's beautiful. Look:

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Oops, you can't see the vertical walls surrounding the quarry but it looks outta Singapore atleast. And actually, we kinda trespassed into it. We went through some hole in the fence and trekked up some mini paths while dodging weird and dangerous looking leaves.

In no time, the stay at Pulau Ubin is over - and everything's back in place. Mundane lifestyle, paper work day in day out. Looking forward to lunches, and then looking foward to getting off work... It's sad, isn't it?

Ahh... I can't wait for the next holiday!!!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

"You shit rocks. You're not human!", my sister stated, somewhat amused, as she sauntered out of the toilet that I had let out a bomb not too long ago.

"Oops. They weren't flushed away?"

She shook her head, "They are rocks."

-sob- Rocks. Not pellets, not pebbles. Rocks.

It's not as if I have constipation now, you know. I have the urge strong enough to bomb up the toilet every once a day or two. But... I am starting to fear having to go to poop. Hey, shitting rocks HURT!

And it's not like I abhor fruits and vegetables. I eat them more than meat! I drink water too. How envious am I of those people, who found the food/action which will loosen their bowels and make them shit effortlessly. Bananas, papayas, breakfasts even, another is to expose her belly to wind or the fan, and she'll get the runs the next morning.

They don't work on me though. And let's not talk about food that had gone bad. That's different.

So... I bought laxatives. I saw enema on the shelves - those that you gotta stick into your arse. I looked at the instructions drily, which showed a picture of a man lying on his side with his upper leg brought forward 90 degrees. A full view of the arsehole for the enema to poke in. Ouch.

No thank you. My arse is already sore from the rocks that have to pass through. I don't need more irritation from something that goes the opposite direction.

I moved onto the laxatives - brown bottles of liquids, and boxes of pills. Uh... I don't really know what's the difference. ButI took one bottle of liquid which proclaimed loudly to help constipation (even though I do not have that problem) and which looked kinda... poisonous.

And so... it sits on my desk right now. But I dare not consume it. How bad will the runs be? Will I be running to the toilet every hour? Or... do I have to be home the whole day before I consume the laxatives? If I get the urge, will the urge be so bad that I have to go immediately or else it'll splatter within my underpants?

And of course, it'll be stupid to consume that when I am going to turn in for the day. Can you imagine rushing to the toilet every 2-3 hours when you're sleeping? Might as well sleep outside the toilet. Or worse still, soil your pyjamas and your bed. Yucks.

O-right. Update again when I have my first few spoonfuls of the laxatives then. Which hopefully won't be too awful-tasting...

Friday, September 15, 2006

Oh no. I can’t believe that I COULD be actually a fan of a Korean drama! I always chide at my dad who can watch 大长今like almost 10 times but still can nod and empathize and get all excited when 长今triumphed over the bad people in the end for the kerzillionth times– he’s like a super fan.

And then, the aunty of the era came. And she’s no other than, KIM SAM SOON.

Oh my, I’m just in love with the idea of the odd couple that I can smile at the tube goofily as the show goes on. They’re so… real.

Aw man, so cute. The both of them. @(^^)@

And of course, I love the wicked evil pig!

Oh ho ho... it even flies. :D

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Oh well. So, he died. And my dear friend mourns for him.

But I’m laughing my head off. The renowned crocodile hunter – who pried the poor crocodiles’ (who were very much minding their own business) mouths open and stuck his head in, and posed on a magazine cover with a tarantula on his head – was stung by a stingray, to death.

Didn’t mean disrespect to the dead, but I actually found him to be irritating and silly. Alright, what he was doing did propel him to fame and that viewers have to cast him to being ‘different’ and ‘daring’ as compared to other documentaries.

But still, I think it’s stupid. I pitied the animals that were handpicked by him to wrestle or to be irritated. “One of these days, one of them will successfully hurt him by retaliating out of defense or pure irritation.” I thought.

And it was a stingray. (Wahahahhaha!) Not a crocodile. Not a python. THE stingray. “A normally placid species that only deploys its poisonous tail spines as a defense.” And this article on MSN news was saying that Queensland Police Superintendent Michael Keating didn’t find any evidence that he was threatening nor intimidating the said stingray.


How do you know whether he did or not? Why else did the stingray sting him? And we know that he irritates animals for a living.

And all those laughing yesterday (Alright, I do feel kinda a little remorseful. For laughing. And for his wife and kid.), I had gotten my ill returns. I slipped and fell in front of a bunch of people at the MRT station. A little bruised knee... But… it still doesn’t stop me from putting this blog up! Bwahahaha.

Oh no. I better be careful the next few days.