Sunday, May 16, 2010


Bye bye, Blogger.

Hello, Wordpress!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Oh Gosh!

Our Polaroid picture was selected to be one of the winners for 'Just for Laughs Asia' Photo Moment Contest!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Random Banter

1. Elated that I can actually watch my movie/tv clips on my iPhone! Now the phone doesn't seem so stupid anymore with that mega blank white space on the space usage bar shortened. Yehh!!

2. I think Ted in Better Off Ted is hot!

3. Body language. With my new toy, you can see that I'm getting a little anti-social. But it's my lunchtime, I can choose having lunch with Ted over a bowl of curry noodles (with a napkin tucked into my white top), right? Ok, maybe I don't look eager enough to start on my packed-in lunch. But when I'm not even looking at you while you went on rattling away about the 2 suicide bombings in Moscow, can't you tell that I'm not the least interested in it and that I'm only interested in my video - with my earphones plugged into my ears and all? I've read the news just like you did, and I do feel sorry that such stuffs are happening in the world right now but I don't see a need to talk about it and all movies related to terrorism over lunch. And then you started asking what movie I was watching on my iPhone (thus indicating that you DO notice that I'm trying to watch one) and started talking about the movies you'd watched. Goodness. Read my body language! I'm not even looking at you and you are making me feel bad for ignoring your one-sided conversation! Yet... I can't concentrate nor catch on the witty remarks that the characters made! Uber irritating - having to rewind and rewind and rewind. Even if I eventually got the punchline, the humor is gone. I was contemplating moving back to my desk with my half-eaten lunch and my beloved iPhone but that would be plain rude right. But again, I was already blatantly rude to ignore the need to contribute to a lopsided conversation which I'm not even keen on. Argh. Is it my fault that I'm this rude because someone else failed to understand that I'm trying to convey to her my disinterest? Despite the immense irritation, which I was trying very hard to suppress before I throw my bowl of half-eaten curry noodles at her ("Shuddup!!! Just shudduuuuuuuupppp!!!!"), I managed to find some space in me to be mystified on the lack of EQ in some people.

4. I can see that being 27 has made a couple of my friends think a lot - wondering if this is all to Life. And then they wonder if they should seek something else "more" before growing older. Seems to me with age, one seems to calculate one's moves due to the dwindling asset - time/youth. And I'm not too sure if it's the way we were all brought up, but I thought that the mere calculation of moves and possible decisions we make in life is in itself, displays a slight hesitation, which on hindsight, may be wise. But if you want it really really bad, would you ponder about it for ages? Maybe it's a wrong choice. Maybe it's the best decision you ever made in your entire life. But one wouldn't know how life turns out later. It's about finding the right balance - between being responsible and irresponsible, being pragmatic and idealistic. Even though one may argue that in the midst of seeking your dreams and doing what you love despite objections from loved ones (silent or not), you can be responsible and pragmatic at the same time. Many probably seek for this equation for their whole lives and regretting not being able to at the end of the day. I guess what needs to be accepted is that, one can't have his cake and eat it. Win some, lose some. The what-ifs and could-haves are ultimately just mere meaningless gibberish that didn't happen.

5. On a lighter note, I am drawing up a list of stuffs that I want to get. Something to get me through this long dreary month and spacing out my expenses. Rayban wayfarer has been dropped because I looked like a clown with the oversized shades sliding off my flat nose. :(

Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Shadow

Was having lunch with Shi and her colleagues when she brought up a pretty awkward and silly incident that took place at least 13 years back. Till now, it doesn't seem to me that Shi and Kum will quit mentioning it any time soon.

I, myself, do not know know what exactly sparked that bout of breakdown when my friends were actually paying me a compliment. It certainly surprised them to see my unexpected reaction and come to think of it now, they must have been bewildered, thinking that I went crazy. Well I know I would if I were in their shoes now. I have myself to blame if I was the one who made it unforgettable for them. But oh man, embarrassing or what.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I... I... I...

Oh well, I'm now officially an iPhone user. Amongst the kerzillions in the whole wide world. Going to be stuck with it for the next 2 years so I better like it or learn to love it. Not entirely bowled over by it - battery runs out damn bloody fast, didn't help that the battery is in-built. How stupid is that? You think they should know by now the high energy consumption of smartphones. A dead iPhone by early evening when you are out the entire day is NOT a smartphone. Hell, it's not even a phone without the battery.

Okay okay, I must adore my iPhone (which looks just like the iPhone which the person standing beside me on the train is holding onto. Same phone, same cover. Zzz)

Grouses, grouses, grouses.

And... Why do I get ring file cuts when people get paper cuts? Pain like mad.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On a sidenote...

I want to do something about this blog, to take my mind off amongst many other cluttered thoughts and resolutions I had carelessly made but have yet to fulfil.



Wanted to blog about how shitty-low-confused I'm feeling right about now, but I realized that perplexity stole away my vocabulary and the patience to make my ramblings coherent.

Leaving myself even more frustrated than before this blog entry.

Maybe that's how people spiral right into depression - the need for an outlet to vent, and yet, the process of venting is frustrating itself. ARGH.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010


you could be someone's hero, just for a moment, would you step up to it?

Thursday, March 04, 2010

Random Bites

How does one use editing tools to make drawings bold and sharp like Mr. Oatmeal (as below)? Does anyone know? :(

And jeez, I seem to be rather sickly this year. It's only the start of March and I'm having a flu, AGAIN? Darn weather.

The Top 10 Types of Crappy Interviewees by The Oatmeal


Absolutely love it!!!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

The Random Phone Doodles

The random neckless polka-dotted dinosaur.
Thought this was one of my better doodles while hanging onto a phonecall.Tried to splash in some colors (experimenting for my impossible project), and it took me longer than I expected. Not to say that the final outcome was anything spectacular. Hmm...

That's why... I bought watercolour paint! :D

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Am I ready to... launch an almost impossible project?

Really inspired to, but it has been quite a while since I drew something nice (instead of the dinosaurs and random triangles and squares I scrawled on useless papers at work while spacing out as the dial tone buzzed into my ear, waiting for the other party to pick up the phone. Anyway.. there's something quite hypnotizing on the dial tone, doncha think?)

Anyway! So... I can try. Right?


The Potion that came in a Plastic Bottle

Although I do not know what it means by "quenching" my "bridal thirst" (sounds as though I'm thirsty to be married). But the potion may just be doing its trick. Things are falling into place! Tho' haphardly.

Monday, March 01, 2010


In a year's time, things are going to be a wee bit different.

Monday, February 22, 2010

If only T-Rex can double up as a masseuse...

Meek kitty looks like it's born to be the lazy kitty's slave.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Procastinator attempts... to blog again

1. Hooked onto "Dicey Business" although it's a 2006/2007 show. And then realized that all shows on lame mediacorp now are related to gambling and casinos. More than a little coincidental with the opening of SG's first casino, isn't it? And that advertisement on some helpline for hardcore gamblers on tv is really getting onto me. It's sad, but I doubt hardcore gamblers take time out to watch much tv anyway.

2. Trying to really pick up Cantonese. Had attempted to speak to a Hong Konger when my non-Canto colleague needed my help, knowing that I'm a Cantonese. I couldn't hold a conversation for nuts. Practically "shamed" into learning Canto for real. I mean, I wanted to all along but my parents gave up talking to me because I spend eons stuttering one miserly sentence. And even then, they don't understand that. But! I bought a book on Canto to prove my sincerity. Canto, download into me!

3. The wedding preparations. To decide on the venue is really quite a tiresome exercise. Managing others' expectations is an absolute chore...

4. Contemplating between a Blackberry and an iPhone. Oh jeez. The allure of the iPhone seems to be fading rapidly. Ahh, maybe I should just stick to my Sony Ericsson for now.

5. The new version of "We are the World" gave me the goosebumps and it's not the feel-good kind. Oh no, I now belong to the "older" generation who turns their noses at the music which youngsters are grooving into, right?

Roaring CNY

"Arrrgh! Gong Xi Fa Cai" --> What a weird CNY greeting.
CNY eve - had a reunion steamboat dinner with my family and went off to Marina Barrage to fly a kite. Beautiful weather. Spongebob squarepants-lookalike kite. Great day!

P.S.: All pics taken from my trusty Sony Ericsson cam-phone. I would dare say I'm pretty proud how the pics turn out?

Friday, January 22, 2010


I can blog using the iPhone! Another good reason amongst the many to get hold of one.

I'm not blogging as often I should because (I'm lazy and a procastinator) I forget what I wanted to rant about when I get home.. But! With the iPhone I can blog anytime, anywhere!! Teehee.

Lame attempt in justifying a splurge? I thought so too. :( Especially if I spent nearly 1K on Christmas presents last month...