Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Random Banter

1. Elated that I can actually watch my movie/tv clips on my iPhone! Now the phone doesn't seem so stupid anymore with that mega blank white space on the space usage bar shortened. Yehh!!

2. I think Ted in Better Off Ted is hot!

3. Body language. With my new toy, you can see that I'm getting a little anti-social. But it's my lunchtime, I can choose having lunch with Ted over a bowl of curry noodles (with a napkin tucked into my white top), right? Ok, maybe I don't look eager enough to start on my packed-in lunch. But when I'm not even looking at you while you went on rattling away about the 2 suicide bombings in Moscow, can't you tell that I'm not the least interested in it and that I'm only interested in my video - with my earphones plugged into my ears and all? I've read the news just like you did, and I do feel sorry that such stuffs are happening in the world right now but I don't see a need to talk about it and all movies related to terrorism over lunch. And then you started asking what movie I was watching on my iPhone (thus indicating that you DO notice that I'm trying to watch one) and started talking about the movies you'd watched. Goodness. Read my body language! I'm not even looking at you and you are making me feel bad for ignoring your one-sided conversation! Yet... I can't concentrate nor catch on the witty remarks that the characters made! Uber irritating - having to rewind and rewind and rewind. Even if I eventually got the punchline, the humor is gone. I was contemplating moving back to my desk with my half-eaten lunch and my beloved iPhone but that would be plain rude right. But again, I was already blatantly rude to ignore the need to contribute to a lopsided conversation which I'm not even keen on. Argh. Is it my fault that I'm this rude because someone else failed to understand that I'm trying to convey to her my disinterest? Despite the immense irritation, which I was trying very hard to suppress before I throw my bowl of half-eaten curry noodles at her ("Shuddup!!! Just shudduuuuuuuupppp!!!!"), I managed to find some space in me to be mystified on the lack of EQ in some people.

4. I can see that being 27 has made a couple of my friends think a lot - wondering if this is all to Life. And then they wonder if they should seek something else "more" before growing older. Seems to me with age, one seems to calculate one's moves due to the dwindling asset - time/youth. And I'm not too sure if it's the way we were all brought up, but I thought that the mere calculation of moves and possible decisions we make in life is in itself, displays a slight hesitation, which on hindsight, may be wise. But if you want it really really bad, would you ponder about it for ages? Maybe it's a wrong choice. Maybe it's the best decision you ever made in your entire life. But one wouldn't know how life turns out later. It's about finding the right balance - between being responsible and irresponsible, being pragmatic and idealistic. Even though one may argue that in the midst of seeking your dreams and doing what you love despite objections from loved ones (silent or not), you can be responsible and pragmatic at the same time. Many probably seek for this equation for their whole lives and regretting not being able to at the end of the day. I guess what needs to be accepted is that, one can't have his cake and eat it. Win some, lose some. The what-ifs and could-haves are ultimately just mere meaningless gibberish that didn't happen.

5. On a lighter note, I am drawing up a list of stuffs that I want to get. Something to get me through this long dreary month and spacing out my expenses. Rayban wayfarer has been dropped because I looked like a clown with the oversized shades sliding off my flat nose. :(


gwl said...

Good post.http://www.giftwithlove.com

massachusetts florist said...

I have a similar apps for this. My friends love it too.