Wednesday, November 23, 2005

it sucks totally to have to wake up early to rainy cold mornings each day. mornings that are meant to just stay in bed. in places that have four seasons, when days become too cold and snowy, they cancel school. uh, whoops, i'm not in school. but anyway, why won't singapore do the same? call everyone - students & employees: there will be no school/work today! why? because it's raining! go back to sleep people.

an instantaneous public-weather-holiday. how nice. singapore will be a better place.

people will become less grouchy (look at me, i'm a good example of a GROUCH because of the lack of zzz). singapore will become a more gracious society. smile smile, "how are you?", "did you just push me? oh, but i'm sure you don't mean it. in fact, it feels like massage.", and lift/bus/train doors will keep on opening and closing because there are perpetual flow of people coming from all sorts of directions, running to board the bus/train/lift and the person holding onto the doors is so nice. singaporeans will stop being crabby, ugly and kiasu.

singapore will not worry about a greying population because with such cold weathered holidays, couples will snuggle in the bed with each other, and then.. everything will go from there. babies will start popping up 9 months once they start this holiday scheme.

and with bigger families, there will be higher consumption. so there will be more jobs created so as to increase supply of goods and services to meet demands. economy will improve.

what a great solution to the problems. everyone will be so happy.

but all of us will have to resign to the fact that singapore will not snow. and so we remain as grouchy sour plums.

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