Sunday, April 30, 2006

Was pissed off at work some time back and I was blabbering at top speed to almost anyone how unhappy and indignant I was. Till the point that I find it a little pointless to say it out on blog right now.

But boy, am I pissed. I was kinda glad though - I found out that, in fact, I wasn't the sole person feeling that way to that particular idiot. And so a bunch of us were happily bringing The Housefly down during lunch times, and any one time that he came buzzing around us irritatingly for no particular reason. Somehow, bonding occurs when we have a common enemy. Wahaha.

I've watched Take the Lead! And woooah... I wish I can dance that well, man!!!!!! But erm, I also wished I can do Muay Thai Boxing when I watched this particular Thai show. And I'd also wished that I can do Kungfu when I watched Charlie's Angels. And that I have extraordinary supernatural powers when I watched X-Men. Or that I can surf like a pro when I watched Blue Crush. So...... ignore me.

Nice soundtracks though. Makes me wanna daaaance...!!
A colleague just left us. I felt really sad, even though I'd known her only for about 3 months. Prolly the reason being that she's one of the lunch kakis of mine, and that she's really nice. And also, that she sits behind me, and when she leaves, someone new is going to take her place. :(
Oh well... greener pastures beckons. So the cows on the yellower side have to let this cow happily go to the juicier grass.
So sad. Mooo...
Sometimes I think, is this really what I really want to be doing in the future? Am I going to be stuck at what I am primarily doing, will I have a chance to venture some more?
Thinking about the future sucks. And there isn't really much of a point cos you don't ever get answers.

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