Monday, December 05, 2005

was packing my wardrobe with my sis, throwing out dated clothes and stuffs that are forgotten and not to be seen in public.

i can't believe that i actually wore those.

- baggy 3/4s that look like two skirts stitched together.

- awful looking coloured shirts like purple and green, that my friends made fun of before and subsequently even had a bird plummet its shit on the ugly shirt, making my crazy friend doubled up even more saying that even a bird can't stand it.

- baggy long sleeves shirt that makes me look like a blob of formless thing. and a long sleeves shirt in the design of a cell inmate's uniform. black and white horizontal stripes.

- tops so small that they looked odd still sitting in our wardrobe with the other grownup clothes. shouldn't they be gone like a decade ago.. when we're significantly half our size. i don't remember either me or my sis being rake-thin recently.

- tops so short that it's like we had our belly buttons right beneath our boobies.

- shorts that looked like used garbage bags (even though it's for sleeping...)

what a dork i was. i don't deny that i have fashion disasters now and then, (but not much since i'm always wearing the same stuffs now) but what i was thinking then???

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