Sunday, March 05, 2006

STILL a dalmation

...or a cow..

and this coming saturday, there's going to be another archery competition. should i even out my tan and worsen the situation or just cover up like michael jackson? i'm still peeling after two weeks. and at the end of my virgin run after many weeks just now, i was alarmed by the blisters all over my arms. and i realised, they're bubbles of sweat under my dead skin. and so i proceeded to scratching them happily, feeling them pop like a pimple or a bubble foam pad.

it's already past midnight.. and of all people to be not home, it's my MOMMY! she went to meet her friend at a block nearby to chat after her dinner and till now, she's not home yet. hm. should i call her to nag at her to return home soon?

life has been mundane.. work work work.. sometimes work till 9-10.. but at least, it's not like my first job.. i was happier busy here, somehow. something that makes me think that i could possibly stay in this company for as long as i would like.

speaking about jobs. have yet to receive any response on the american MNC company after my 2nd interview. the pay's like damn good, at least for me right now. and there are possibilities to venture to other depts for experience and development. sounds good. but still, scary. getting used to the new environment.. hopping onto unknown grounds, forsaking the more familiar and comfortable one. not knowing whether you will fit in there... and if you don't fit in.. you have made the wrong choice.. and leaving yourself with none, or misery if you hang on.

argh.. so do i rather that i not have the choice? it seems much simpler.

that's the thing. when you're jobless, no job offers come your way. and when you have one, suddenly they all emerge. life's a joke.

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